Employer Branding is about your culture, not a tagline.

Your culture and the way you work is what makes your Employer Brand.
Showcase why people chose to work in your organisation.

Employer Brand is an experience

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Companies spend a fortune on their EVP, tagline and values. They consider these things, coupled with expensive campaigns, their Employer Brand. They craft this Employer Brand in the hope that it will impact the candidate journey, convince talent and bring meaning to their people’s employee experience.

We see it differently!

We believe and are convinced that your Employer Brand is the experience of what it’s like to work in your organisation. Now, and especially in the future, it is every company’s challenge not only to know their own culture and identity, but also to foster, communicate and showcase it. Invite people in and truly position yourself as their employer of choice.

What we can do for you

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Become aware of your culture. Identify and explore what makes your organisation attractive and understand those areas you need to work on. Map your conscious development efforts. Establish your thematic focus. Develop a narrative around your lived values.


Bring your Employer Brand to life. Create a concept and strategy to leverage strengths and key themes. Make lived values and culture tangible and relatable. Showcase it along key candidate touchpoints. Become the employer of choice for your target group.


Let’s talk